Mount Daishi
Guia Michelin
Local natural
Opinião do Guia Michelin
The view from the top of Mount Daishi embraces the town, the wide mouth of the River Maruyama and the sea. Half-way up is Onsen-ji temple, founded 1,300 years ago by the monk Douchi-Shonin who, after 1,000 days of prayer, is said to have made water spring from the rock, thus giving birth to the spa town. The temple is home to a number of remarkable artefacts, including a 2.13m-/6.5ft-high statue of Kannon, lovingly encased in a protective reliquary and only unveiled every 33 years for a period of 3 years (next unveiling in 2018). Fans of Buddhist statues will want to pursue the visit to Kinosaki Art Museum.
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