Fort La Latte
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Guia Michelin
Vale bem a pena as diversões
Monumento civil e militar
A opinião do Guia Michelin
This stronghold, built in the 14C, was remodelled in the 17C and restored in the early 20C, but has kept its feudal appearance. Towering 60m above the sea, it stands on a spectacular site separated from the mainland by two gullies which are crossed by drawbridges. Once past the thick wall made to shield the defender from cannonballs, you reach the Tour de l'Échauguette and the curious oven used to heat the cannonballs until they were red-hot. Access to the keep is via a look-out post. The sentry walk commands a superb view of the entire Emerald Coast.
Informações práticas
+33 2 96 41 57 11
22240 Plévenon
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