Schleissheim Palace
Imagem do local
Guia Michelin
Vale bem a pena as diversões
Monumento civil e militar
A opinião do Guia Michelin
The Schleissheim estate is a complex of three palaces set in extensive parkland. The huge New Palace (1701-27) with its 330m-long Baroque façade and 45 rooms reflects the ambitions of Prince-Elector Max-Emmanuel. It is now converted into an art gallery housing 16C and 17C Dutch and Flemish masters. The Lustheim Palace houses an excellent collection of Meissen porcelain and the Old Castle a small museum of religious art and an exhibition on the history of Prussia (in German).
Informações práticas
+49 89 3158720
Max-Emanuel-Platz 1
85764 Oberschleißheim
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