Villa René Lalique
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Guia Michelin
Vale a pena as diversões
Opinião do Guia Michelin
René Lalique was the most prominent jeweller of the turn of the 20C and the Art nouveau movement. His legacy lives on in Wingen-sur-Moder, with a museum and a luxury hotel in the hundred-year-old Villa, while the Mario Botta-designed contemporary extension houses the restaurant. At the helm is Paul Stradner, a chef influenced by stints in Austria and Germany. Emulsion of potatoes and truffles (one of the signature dishes); lobster with radish, tarragon and spruce-infused mousse; pigeon, rainbow carrots, kumquat and cumin sauce: the epitome of delicate, intelligent, creative food, down to the desserts by Nicolas Multon. This pastry chef, who wanted to study fine art, now conjures up sweet-toothed masterpieces. The wine cellar is quite simply out of this world…
Parque de estacionamento
18 rue Bellevue
67290 Wingen-sur-Moder