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Guia Michelin
Opinião do Guia Michelin
One of the most talked about restaurants in Ipanema. Here, chef Danilo Parah champions what he calls “emotional and creative cuisine” in a contemporary bistro-style setting featuring different ambiences and a private room on the first floor. Brazilian cuisine is very much to the fore and is showcased on a varied à la carte (plus an ”executive” menu) with a focus on local ingredients and in colourful, generous and highly flavourful dishes with little fear when it comes to combining lots of ingredients. It’s hard to forget the octopus with jambu fruit (a dish with a profusion of colours and textures that includes pasta cooked in a moqueca sauce) or the delicious cheesecake that takes on its own personality! The hospitality is on a par with the food here!
Rua Garcia D'Ávila, 118
Rio de Janeiro 22421-010