Thierry Schwartz - Le Restaurant
Imagem do local
Guia Michelin
Vale a pena o passo
Gastronomia sustentável
Opinião do Guia Michelin
Thierry Schwartz, who describes himself as an Alsace native by birth and at heart, believes that nature's rightful place is at the centre when it comes to cooking. This ethos is borne out by his commitment to local producers and by his title of Officer of France's Order of Agricultural Merit. To set the scene: think lots of wood, seasonal vegetables on display and a log-burning fire. Thierry concocts three remarkable set menus in which the produce (from Alsace and permaculture) is sufficient in and of itself: pure spelt, arctic char, wild sorrel, organic farm eggs... to be washed down with a fine, natural wine. The choice is yours – from the 1,500-strong list!
35 rue de Sélestat
67210 Obernai