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Guia Michelin
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Opinião do Guia Michelin
Flicka is the epitome of a modern restaurant. Thomas van Santvoort boasts a wealth of experience gained at top-flight establishments such as Parkheuvel and Boreas. It was there that he learned, for example, how to cook perfectly crispy sweetbreads. His flawless technique is highlighted by his own unique style. He combines the sweetbreads with kombu for a salty undertone, black garlic for extra punchiness, and fennel for a dash of anise freshness – the way he succeeds in balancing all these flavours demonstrates his talent.Chef Van Santvoort has a predilection for enhancing his dishes with a touch of acidity, giving top-notch produce like sea bass and langoustine a real boost. The sommelier cleverly plays on this with exciting wine pairings.Your journey to Flicka will also be rewarded with a splendid view of the green surroundings and the River Meuse. The cosy decor also incorporates some charming designer touches. Last but not least, delightful suites are available for overnight stays.
Parque de estacionamento
Berm 47
5331 KL Kerkdriel