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Guia Michelin
Vale a pena o passo
Opinião do Guia Michelin
Very inviting from the outside, this typical Appenzell country inn is no less beautiful on the inside. Come here to enjoy Silvia Manser's classic cuisine with Mediterranean influences in a pleasingly simple yet upscale setting. This is a chef who isn't averse to spicing things up, infusing her refined dishes with the perfect balance of potent flavours. It goes without saying that her ingredients are of the highest quality. Silvia Manser runs this place together with her husband Thomas, and the two of them work together like a well-oiled machine: while she is at the helm in the kitchen, he competently and cordially takes care of service, making suitable wine recommendations from their excellent selection.
Parque de estacionamento
Rotenwies 9
9056 Gais