Caverne du Dragon - Chemin des Dames Museum
Guia Michelin
A opinião do Guia Michelin
The Constellation of Pain, by artist Christian Lapie, was unveiled in 2007 for the 90th anniversary of the battle of the Chemin des Dames; it marks the site of the Caverne du Dragon as you approach on the D18. This gallery, dug by quarrymen in the Middle Ages, was turned into barracks by the Germans during WWI and occupied several times by Allied troops, as battles were won and lost. It is now a museum dedicated to the story of the living conditions of the soldiers at the front.
Informações práticas
+33 3 23 25 14 18
Chemin des Dames (D 18 CD)
02160 Oulches-la-Vallée-Foulon
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