Cimitero delle Fontanelle
Imagem do local
Guia Michelin
Vale bem a pena as diversões
Monumento religioso
A opinião do Guia Michelin
Right at the end of the winding Via Fontanelle, this old Greco-Roman tuff quarry houses thousands of bones belonging to the victims of the 17C plague, which killed 300 000 Neapolitans. Made famous by the Rossellini film Voyage to Italy (1953), the vast cave with three long aisles is lined with skulls. Opened to the public in the 19C, the ossuary was used for the anime pezzentelle (abandoned souls) or capuzzelle (small heads) cult, which was banned by the Church in 1969.
Informações práticas
+39 081 1970 3197
Via Fontanelle, 80 154
80133 Napoli
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