Église et couvent des Cordeliers
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Guia Michelin
Monumento religioso
A opinião do Guia Michelin
Built in the late 15C, the Cordeliers convent and church contain the recumbent statue of Philippa de Gueldre, second wife of René II, sculpted in very fine limestone by Ligier Richier. On the southern wall, the tomb of René II, executed in 1509, is by Mansuy Gauvain. The ducal chapel is reminiscent of those of the Medici in Florence. The cloister and part of the monastery rooms house a fine Museum of Popular Arts and Folklore (reconstructions of interiors, objects, tools, etc.)
Informações práticas
+33 3 83 17 86 77
66 Grand-Rue
54000 Nancy
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