Sushi Dokku
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Guia Michelin
Opinião do Guia Michelin
Creatively adorned, Americanized nigiri is the featured attraction at this hip sushi-ya that’s all wood planks, stainless steel, chunky tables, and hefty benches.Why just have one piece when you can have two? Here, each order is served in pairs. Among the selection, enjoy the likes of hamachi sporting a spicy mix of shredded Napa cabbage, daikon, and red chili; or salmon dressed with a sweet ginger-soy sauce and fried ginger chips. South Pacific sea bream is deliciously embellished with a drizzle of smoky tomato and black sea salt. Those who wish to branch out opt for takoyaki (crispy fried octopus croquettes) or grilled hamachi collar. To finish, try the brownie-crusted green tea-cheesecake or Fuji Fu apple cake with peanuts and caramel sauce.
823 W. Randolph St.
Chicago 60607